Illustrator, cartoonist, and graphic designer focused on social justice with a decorative flair.
イラストレーター、漫画家、グラフィック デザイナーであり、装飾的なセンスで社会正義に焦点を当てています。

The Hookah Girl
Published by Rosarium Publishing!
In this current political climate, being a Palestinian is a hazard. However, there are common grounds where East meets West. The Hookah Girl is a semi-autobiographical graphic novel of a childhood as a Christian Palestinian in America. Told in short stories and with narrative ranging from growing up in a refugee family to how to roll waraq (stuffed grape leaves), this book is an account of living in two seemingly different cultures that actually aren’t very different at all.
現在の政治情勢において、パレスチナ人であることは危険である。しかし、東洋と西洋が出会う共通の基盤がある。「The Hookah Girl」は、在米キリスト教徒のパレスチナ人としての子供時代を描いた半自伝的グラフィック・ノベルである。難民家庭での成長からワラク(ブドウの葉の詰め物)の巻き方まで、短編で語られる本書は、一見異なる2つの文化圏での生活を描いたものだが、実際はまったく異なるものではない。
"Marguerite Dabaie is brilliant, and Hookah Girl is a revelation!"
Randa Jarrar, author
“The Hookah Girl is a blast of honest, wry and raw humor.... [Dabaie's] art takes us to important and forbidden places … and we are all enriched.”
Steve Brodner, illustrator
“Marguerite Dabaie navigates the swirling confluence of Palestinian heritage and American culture in these proud, poignant, and humorous stories of her upbringing. This is a lovely and humane book.”
Joe Sacco, author/illustrator
“I felt like I was sitting in Dabaie’s childhood home, surrounded by family, home cooking, laughter and stories of their homeland. This is a book that, like its author, refuses to squeeze itself into a box: full of heartbreak and humor, history and pride.”
Sarah Glidden, author/illustrator